Rabu, 10 Februari 2016


According to Wikipedia, education is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. We usually get this at school. Usually we get a lot of subjects to learn such as Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Religion, and many more in order to get some education, some knowledge. People think that from education, we can build the world better. Being an engineer, doctor, or any kind of job that we can achieve by education.
Actually, studying at school is not enough. There are still many kind of education that we don’t get at school. Some kind of them can we get from our family, friends, or our environment. Like how we wake up in the morning, we get up on time or not, wearing a complete and neat uniform. That is discipline. Discipline is not like math our physics that we can get the point from the first time we learn it. It takes time, and takes a lot of effort to do at first. Discipline is one from many kind of problems that still running in our society. It seems to be so hard to be discipline, but in fact, it’s not that hard. At first we have to push ourself to do it. For example when we always wake up late, try to set 1 or 2 alarm so we don’t late anymore. Or try to prepare everything at night before we go to school. These little things can effect our live better.

Honesty, it also one from many kind. In my country, we know ‘gotong royong’ or respect to others. It sounds good to be nice, respect and always help each other. But we must help people in a right way. Don’t help our friends on the test, it’s called cheating. Unconsciously, we are helping our friend to be a liar or a corruptor in the future. We also are prohibited to cheat.

The two of those things above is a major problem in our education. The suitable education for us is not about how perfect your score is. It is important, but there are more important things. Discipline and honesty, it is what we use much in the future. Plus, we have to increase our social skill. It doesn’t matter to be genius, but don’t forget to socialize. We have to improve ourself, don’t sleep on your bed a whole day at the weekend, get up and improve yourself by doing something you are interested to like take a music class, go to gym, our just sitting in the couch reading books. Get out and meet a lot of people from a various culture and personality. That makes us know how to act to many people. The more we explore, the more we get.

We also have to change our mindset of one job. Don’t set it in our mind that being a doctor is guaranteed to be success and rich. It’s cliché. Look around, being an entrepreneur, singer, engineer, it can makes us success, if that is what we are good at.  

The point is education can’t we get at school only. We also can get from our surrounding. Education it’s not only biology or physics, but the way you help each other, or be nice to each other, there’s always something we can get from it and we can called it education. It’s not just our brain that have to be improved, we also have to improve our soft skills to be success and we can build a better world. So don’t be sad if you are not good enough at school, go around and find what you are good at. 

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